8 Negorith Book reviews febrero 28, 2023SINOPSIS Gris tiene una vida normal y corriente hasta que se ve envuelta en un incidente con un demonio que...
7 Donde habita el olvido review Book reviews diciembre 8, 2022Lorena Franco Amy’s story is narrated in third person, and revolves around the tragic death of her partner and the...
6 La forja de una rebelde review Book reviews abril 28, 2022Lorenzo Silva y Noemí Trujillo Lorenzo Silva and Noemí Trujillo fall short with this new title. The investigation takes place...
9 La Red Púrpura review Book reviews abril 18, 2022Carmen Mola Carmen Mola has exceeded the expectations she had created with the first book in the series focused on...
9.5 La novia gitana review Book reviews abril 16, 2022Carmen Mola I’ve read a lot of reviews about this novel since it was published and they were all very...
8.5 Arsène Lupin y la aguja hueca Book reviews septiembre 13, 2021SINOPSIS «La dificultad es tremenda. El doble obstáculo parece insuperable. Sin duda. Para cualquiera excepto para Lupin.» Tan popular y...
8 Arsène Lupin, Caballero ladrón. Book reviews mayo 27, 2021SINOPSIS Una nueva edición del libro que recoge los nueve primeros relatos del carismático ladrón de guante blanco. Tan popular...